episode 12: all in all, just another notch on the post

Ever wondered how you compare to others in the bedroom? We take you through the stats and explain why you may be thinking about it all wrong.
female mannequins

Comparison is the thief of joy, as Teddy Roosevelt once said, but deep down, we’re all a little curious. How do we match up with those around us? And that curiosity even extends to how many partners we’ve had compared to those our age, or just overall. Turns out, those statistics are fuzzier and have more leeway than you might think, so Alex and Ellie bring some math and psychology to the “body count” question while dissecting and correcting the clickbait filling social media.

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Resources and further reading…

What Drives Sex Toy Popularity? A Morphological Examination.
The Slate Sexual History Calculator
The Genetic Legacy Of Ghenghis Khan
Average Sexual Partners By Generation Survey
Body Count: The Science Of Why It Matters
Cliche Dumpster Dive: 9 Clear Signs She Has a High Body Count
Why We Lie That Everyone Has Sex On The Brain More Than We Do

# episodes // exploration / kink / perceptions

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